Explore this page for news, updates, and educational articles to ensure you’re getting the most out of your internet connection.
Why Upload Speed Matters
The future of the internet is sharing―from capturing Instagram-worthy meals to enjoying video chats with friends―and our unmatched upload speeds make that future a reality.
Understanding Speed Test Results
Testing the speed of your internet connection is easy, but it’s also easy to misunderstand the results. Your devices — TVs, routers, smartphones, laptops, desktops, etc. — have different capabilities, and you can get different results on each one, even while using the same internet connection.
Press Links
Lincoln Park and Smart City Initiatives in Fort Pierce with Jason Mittler
FPUAnet Fiber Internet Reaches 1,500 Parcels in Fort Pierce and Growing
Florida’s Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Revitalizes Community With Fiber-Based Broadband
Editor's Note: Revitalizing Communities With Broadband
Fort Pierce, Florida Utility Aims To Deliver Affordable Fiber To All