Explore this page for news, updates, and educational articles to ensure you’re getting the most out of your internet connection.
How to Prepare for (and Ace!) Your Next Virtual Job Interview
Virtual interviews have become standard practice during the job application process. While it is convenient, virtual interviews can be awkward and cause stress due to technical difficulties. Here are a few tips to knock your next virtual interview out of the park.
Parental Settings for Smart TVs
Have you ever turned on your smart TV only to be immediately shocked by a suggestion on the home screen? Parental controls within streaming platforms don’t block horror movies and suggestive content from your TV’s home screen—but there are other settings that can. Check out our latest article to learn more.
Five Tips for Scoring an Esports Scholarship
When you choose FPUAnet Communications for your residential or business internet, you support our business—enabling us to turn around and better support our community. As a local company, we’re proud to keep our community’s anchor institutions connected!
Dropped Outbound Calls vs. Inbound Calls: When to Call Customer Service
When you choose FPUAnet Communications for your residential or business internet, you support our business—enabling us to turn around and better support our community. As a local company, we’re proud to keep our community’s anchor institutions connected!
Understanding the Broadband Facts Nutrition Label
When you choose FPUAnet Communications for your residential or business internet, you support our business—enabling us to turn around and better support our community. As a local company, we’re proud to keep our community’s anchor institutions connected!
FPUAnet Communications Launches Fiber Internet in Lincoln Park
When you choose FPUAnet Communications for your residential or business internet, you support our business—enabling us to turn around and better support our community. As a local company, we’re proud to keep our community’s anchor institutions connected!
Esports Scholarships: What You Need to Know
When you choose FPUAnet Communications for your residential or business internet, you support our business—enabling us to turn around and better support our community. As a local company, we’re proud to keep our community’s anchor institutions connected!
Where to Stream Football This Season (2023-24)
When you choose FPUAnet Communications for your residential or business internet, you support our business—enabling us to turn around and better support our community. As a local company, we’re proud to keep our community’s anchor institutions connected!
What the Recent Spectrum/Disney Debacle Means for You
When you choose FPUAnet Communications for your residential or business internet, you support our business—enabling us to turn around and better support our community. As a local company, we’re proud to keep our community’s anchor institutions connected!
Eight Real-Life Ways Fiber Internet Makes a Difference
When you choose FPUAnet Communications for your residential or business internet, you support our business—enabling us to turn around and better support our community. As a local company, we’re proud to keep our community’s anchor institutions connected!
Press Links
Lincoln Park and Smart City Initiatives in Fort Pierce with Jason Mittler
FPUAnet Fiber Internet Reaches 1,500 Parcels in Fort Pierce and Growing
Florida’s Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Revitalizes Community With Fiber-Based Broadband
Editor's Note: Revitalizing Communities With Broadband
Fort Pierce, Florida Utility Aims To Deliver Affordable Fiber To All