New Fiber Zone – Airport Industrial Park

New Fiber Zone – Airport Industrial Park


Contact: Eric Peters
Phone: 772.468.1697

FPUAnet Delivers Fiber Optic Internet to Airport Industrial Park
Fiber optic internet delivers many advantages to both businesses and residents

Fort Pierce, FL (May 31, 2024): FPUAnet Communications, a division of Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA), is now delivering lightning-fast internet speeds and top-notch reliability to the Airport Industrial Park.

“Fiber optics offer symmetrical speeds of up to 2 Gigabytes per second (2 Gbps) for uploads and downloads. This increased bandwidth will enable businesses and residents in the vicinity of the airport to thrive in today's digital landscape,” said Jason Mittler, Manager of FPUAnet. “Extending Fort Pierce’s fiber network to Airport Industrial Park is a significant advancement for city growth and expansion,” he added.

fiber optic airport Industrial Park zone

The Benefits of Fiber Optic Technology

FPUAnet delivers fiber optic internet that brings numerous advantages to both businesses and residents. These advantages include:

  • High Speed Connectivity: Seamlessly download and upload large files, stream HD video conferences and access cloud services effortlessly with symmetrical speeds up to 2 Gigs.
  • Reliable Connection: Bid farewell to frustrating internet downtimes! Fiber optic cables are less prone to interference compared to traditional copper cables, ensuring reliable connection.  
  • Enhanced Data Security: Fiber optic technology offers a more secure network connection, safeguarding your crucial business information.
  • Increased Efficiency: Say goodbye to delays and buffering with a high-speed connection that empowers employees to focus on their core tasks effectively.
  • Business Owners: Enhanced Customer Satisfaction Faster internet speeds mean a smoother online experience for your customers and staff while enhancing their overall experience and productivity.

 “FPUAnet's entrance into the Airport Industrial Park demonstrates our strong dedication and commitment to investing in the future development of the Fort Pierce community,” said Eric Peters, FPUAnet Sales Representative. “This new fiber zone will help both businesses and area residents, and establish the region as a center for creativity and economic development, he added.

Ready to Join the Fiber Revolution?

Curious about harnessing the benefits of FPUAnet's fiber internet services? Discover your options within the newly established Fiber Zone at Airport Industrial Park! Connect with our team today by dialing (772) 468 1697 or sending an email to

About FPUAnet Communications: FPUAnet Communications is a division of the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) that provides high-speed fiber optic internet service to residents, businesses and institutions in Fort Pierce and surrounding areas. FPUAnet is committed to providing its customers with the fastest, most reliable, and most affordable internet service possible. Additional information is available at

About FPUA: Fort Pierce Utilities Authority is a municipal, not-for-profit utility provider. FPUA’s mission is to provide our customers with economical, reliable, and friendly service in a continuous effort to enhance the quality of life in our community. Fort Pierce is one of more than 2,000 communities in the United States served by a community-owned electric utility, and one of very few who also provide water, wastewater, natural gas, and Internet services. Public utility systems are owned by the people they serve. All benefits from our locally controlled utility remain right here in the community. Additional information is available at

Building Our Fiber Network: Stages of Construction

Building Our Fiber Network: Stages of Construction

By now you’ve probably heard the long-awaited news: FPUAnet Communications is bringing fiber to Fort Pierce! And we’re just as excited to share the benefits of our advanced fiber network with our community as you are to have all the fast download and upload speeds, generous bandwidth, and reliability of fiber direct to your home.

Over the coming months, you’ll likely see our trucks and teams of dedicated technicians and installers throughout our service area. There’s much work to get done, as delivering the fastest, most reliable internet you can get takes some time and a good amount of effort. Below we briefly explain the main three phases and seven core stages that comprise the process of bringing fiber to our area, including the approximate time frames you can expect each phase to take.

Phase A: Planning and Preparation (approximately 18 weeks)

The first phase of building out fiber begins with our extensive planning and preparation efforts. You may occasionally see surveyors and engineers out in the field carefully studying the installation sites, but much of this work is conducted behind the scenes and out of sight of most customers.

Stage 1: Make ready engineering: During this stage of planning, engineers will design and develop plans and specifications for review and approval for the fiber optic network.

Stage 2: Make ready construction: At this stage in the planning process, the primary focus is on acquiring access to all necessary routes and rights-of-way and finalizing all relevant government permits to ensure the project is cleared to proceed.

Phase B: Construction (approximately 14 weeks)

Next, we move on to the actual construction of the fiber infrastructure. During this intensive phase, you may see us digging holes and installing the equipment and fiber lines. When we're done, we will return all sidewalks and greenspaces to the way we found them.

Stage 3: Construction: The construction stage is focused on building the network by either burying fiber optic cable in the ground or hanging aerial lines (depending on the design of the network).

Stage 4: Splicing: Splicing is focused on connecting—that is, closing the loops—on the various pieces of fiber used to build the network as a whole. These connections are important to ensure data and information flows at the speed of light.

Phase C: Service Delivery (timing may vary)

After months of planning and constructing the fiber infrastructure, our fiber is just about ready to be delivered to your home! The timing of the following final three steps can vary, so please keep that in mind as you await your personal installation.

Stage 5: Service Drops: During this stage, our teams will place boxes in your neighborhood so that they can place the fiber line that will eventually connect the network to your home (again, depending on the design, it could be buried or aerial lines).

Stage 6: Drops Splice: Once the service drop is complete, the splicing team will ensure there is connectivity between the network and an optical network terminal, which will be placed on the side (typically) of your home.

Stage 7: Installation: After the previous six stages are complete, we will light up the network and our installation team will connect your home to receive service.

Remember that, despite the wait and occasional inconveniences over the coming months, once we’ve completed our work, you’ll have access to the fastest, most reliable internet available today. With FPUAnet Communications’ fiber, your family can be more productive, enjoy pristine streaming picture quality for TV and movies, distortion-free video calling, riveting online gaming, and all the other online activities that have become a part of your life.

Should you have any questions about our efforts or would like more information about our internet plans and other services, FPUAnet Communications’ representatives are happy to take your call. And to keep updated on the progress of our fiber infrastructure build-out, follow FPUAnet Communications’ social pages!

Eight Real-Life Ways Fiber Internet Makes a Difference

Eight Real-Life Ways Fiber Internet Makes a Difference

Just about any of our customers who have already made the switch from older forms of internet (like cable) to fiber broadband will tell you that fiber’s advanced technology is vastly superior to anything else they’ve used.

From downloading files at near-lightspeed, to voluminous amounts of available bandwidth for handling multiple applications simultaneously, to more reliable material components that provide pristine streaming TV and movie experiences, fiber is simply heads-and-shoulders above cable, DSL, and satellite internet.

But those are just technical specs—and that doesn’t tell even half the story! Fiber internet, like the kind delivered by FPUAnet Communications, can genuinely enhance your quality of life in a myriad of ways, including the following eight use cases we’re proud to support in Fort Pierce.

1. Telehealth Expedites Critical Health Interventions

We begin with everyone’s top priority—keeping their family healthy. And the internet now plays a significant role in delivering healthcare to millions. Telehealth, which allows physicians and other medical professionals to provide initial consultations (and other healthcare) from a patient’s home, has expanded massively in recent years.

Telehealth helps doctors and patients assess when more urgent in-person care is needed (and when it’s not). Prescriptions can get filled faster with telehealth, and consultations over the internet can even assist in properly applying first aid to injuries.

Telehealth consultations can be performed quickly and reliably thanks to fiber’s bounty of bandwidth, which lets audio and video data transfer between doctor and patient seamlessly. Many doctors won’t make a diagnosis when a poor internet connection causes choppy video calls, but that’s not a problem when the patient has fiber!

2. Remote Work Improves Convenience and Productivity

While remote work isn’t for everyone, it can be life-changing for caregivers who need a little more flexibility. Plus, while avoiding the hassles of commutes and traffic delays, remote workers also save money on gasoline and reduce their carbon footprint.

While many workers and employers decide to go fully remote, even partial remote work flexibility can be a blessing. But it takes a particularly robust internet connection to facilitate remote work (especially video conferencing), which isn’t always supported by inferior connections like satellite.

Fiber's symmetrical downloads and uploads let workers send and receive large files and transmit data during long meetings and conferences, making a remote staff member genuinely feel part of the team!

3. Distance Education Allows Students to Gain Skills and Get Ahead

Access to higher education is more attainable than ever, thanks to the multitude of online distance learning opportunities available through colleges and universities around the country.

From undergraduate and graduate degrees to technical certifications, the internet puts education within reach for many who thought it was impossible or beyond their means while helping them achieve the skills necessary to meet their career goals.

Fiber internet’s enormous bandwidth facilitates reliable distance learning and even genuine classroom experiences. It allows students and professors to share large files like presentations or lectures in real-time and enables video conferencing to foster learning and growth, including one-on-one student-faculty interactions—all without sweating frequent distortions or outages that frustrate students on older internet technologies.

4. Lifelong Learning Keeps the Mind Active and Engaged

Beyond bringing official degree and certificate programs to students, fiber internet also facilitates a less formal but still highly valued form of education: lifelong learning. Lifelong learning provides opportunities for the curious to understand their world—and even the universe—well after college ends.

Several companies and major universities, such as Wondrium (formerly The Great Courses), edX, Harvard, and Yale have developed extensive online course offerings. You can find classes from prestigious professors spanning topics like ancient Greek history, Renaissance art, classical music, modern astronomy, and more.

And many courses are available free of charge! Through fiber’s near-lightspeed downloading, these courses can be streamed and enjoyed right from your home.

5. Virtual Reality Lets You Explore the World from Home

Fiber’s hefty bandwidth and vigorous download speeds also brings the wonder of Virtual Reality to your home—and with it, the travel experiences many have only dreamed about! Unlike traditional forms of entertainment, VR’s wonderous technology envelopes a user in multiple dimensions of visual and sound effects.

VR—through fiber internet—makes viewers literally feel like they’re wherever VR is showing them, whether it’s a tour of the Grand Canyon or an Amazon rainforest, an astronaut’s view from outer space, or a sonorous symphony hall.

Fiber’s speed and bandwidth combined with VR technology allows you to explore Paris’ Louvre Museum one day, and the Colosseum in Rome the next without ever leaving your living room!

6. Smart Homes Save Energy, Time, and Money

Fiber internet and its spectacular speeds and enormous bandwidth capacities make it possible to power a genuine smart home—a place brimming with tech and devices to cut energy usage and costs and make life better and more efficient.

From smart refrigerators that let you know when it’s time to get a new gallon of milk, to smart lighting that cuts off when you leave home, to smart speakers playing music (or soundscapes) throughout every room, smart home technology can turn your dwelling into the home of your dreams.

Remember that fiber can keep these devices and smart home features running smoothly, while still letting you stream TV and movies, upload videos, and enjoy everything else about your internet. Unlike other forms of internet, with fiber, you’re not forced to choose which online activity to sacrifice at any given time!

7. Smart Home Security Makes for Safer Homes and Neighborhoods

One smart home feature everyone should take advantage of is improved real-time safety and security delivered by smart lighting, smart cameras, smart doorbells, and related tech. Fiber-powered devices can monitor your home for security threats at all times, whether you’re tucked in your own bed upstairs or thousands of miles away on vacation.

Additionally, outdoor smart lighting and doorbell systems help make your neighborhood safer too, deterring “porch pirates” and other crime. Fiber has the power to keep these crucial smart home safety and security systems running strong while still allowing you to stay productive and engaged in other online activities simultaneously.

8. Video Calling Keeps You Connected Face-to-Face

Lastly, fiber’s impressive speeds and incredible bandwidth make video calling crystal clear and convenient. Grandparents can easily have face-to-face conversations with their grandchildren, and both sides of the call can see faces as well as hear voices.

Video calling is simply a much more intimate way to stay in touch than by phoning or emailing. Fiber enables this improved communication without the distortions and interruptions that plague other types of internet.

The eight examples above are just a small sample of the way fiber internet’s innovative technology enhances your life. From practical matters like health, work, and security, to broadening your worldview and sharing knowledge and world cultures, fiber can improve your well-being, inspire your mind, and uplift you.

To learn additional ways that FPUAnet Communications' fiber can make a real difference in your life, follow our social pages!

What to Expect With Your Installation Appointment

What to Expect With Your Installation Appointment

If you’ve recently signed up for our high-speed internet services, congratulations! We can’t wait to get you connected!

To help you prepare for your installation appointment, we’ve compiled a list of the most common questions and concerns some people have about their installation. We hope it will help you get prepared—and even more excited—about the big day!

If you still have questions about your appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service team. We’re local and happy to help!

When Should I Expect My Installation Appointment?

Generally speaking, you should expect your fiber installation appointment to occur within about two weeks. Outside factors like the weather can sometimes cause delays, but these should not be too extensive.

What Communications Should I Expect to Receive in the Meantime?

Prior to the installation, you will receive a confirmation email with additional information about your fiber installation appointment. It may also include other details about what, if anything, you may need to do prior to the installation. If you’ve authorized text messages from FPUAnet Communications, you may also receive text notifications from us, as well. 

How Long Will the Installation Appointment Last?

While each residence and home is different, and some present relative challenges (nothing our team of experts can’t handle!), you can expect our technicians to take between roughly 30 minutes to two hours to complete your installation. 

Will the Technician Need to Come Inside the Home or Just Remain Outside?

Your technician needs to install and set up your fiber internet connection both indoors and outdoors and will need access to the inside of your home. Please plan to have an adult over the age of 18 at home during your scheduled installation time.

What, If Anything, Should I Do to Prepare for the Installation Appointment?

Please have an adult over the age of 18 at home during your appointment. After your technician has done the basic outdoor installation every residence receives, you should be prepared to talk with your technician and installer about which areas and rooms of the home you most use the internet, and for what purposes. For example, if there are highly trafficked areas of your home, like a family room or kids playroom, where lots of streaming TV and movies are played, you should inform your technician about that to maximize internet signal coverage there. 

Additionally, your technician is trained to help identify the best placements for your router and related equipment. But the tech will also gladly listen to your requests and suggestions based on your internet usage and the way you use your home.

Generally, the technician will choose a centralized area of the home to place the router. Ideally, this area will not be obstructed by wall units or built-in bookshelves, or be located too close to windows or other glass. The router shouldn’t be near other electric equipment or microwave ovens, either. A good rule of thumb is the less clutter in the immediate area around the router, the better the router can disperse its signal for stronger internet throughout the house.

What Support Will I Receive After the Installation Appointment?

The technician will ensure that your fiber internet is fully operational and running fast and smooth before leaving your home. Additionally, the tech will make sure that your devices (e.g., smart TV’s, tablets, etc.) are connected to your fiber connection and working well. You’ll also receive some materials, including basic instructions for downloading and accessing FPUAnet Communications’ app, as well as other key contact information for technical support.

FPUAnet Communications’ Team Members Are Here to Help—and Want Your Feedback!

The team at FPUAnet Communications really cares about your experience during installation and afterwards. Don’t hesitate to contact the helpful representatives at FPUAnet Communications if you have any questions or concerns during or after your appointment.

And if you have any feedback for us, we want to hear it! Please click here to leave a review. It helps us know how we can improve our service—and give our team of professionals and technicians the applause they’ve earned when they’ve done a great job, too!

New Fiber Zone – Airport Industrial Park

New Fiber Zone – Fairlawn Area

FPUAnet Communications, a leading local provider of high-speed internet services, has announced the launch of a new fiber zone that promises to bring lightning-fast internet speeds to residents and businesses in the area.

The new fiber area, which covers several streets within the city, is part of FPUAnet's ongoing efforts to expand its network and provide reliable and affordable internet services to its customers.

Fiber optic technology is widely recognized as the gold standard for internet connectivity, offering faster speeds, greater bandwidth, and more reliable connections than traditional copper cable or DSL lines. With fiber, data is transmitted via pulses of light that travel through thin strands of glass or plastic, making it faster and more reliable than traditional copper cable or DSL lines.

FPUAnet's new fiber area is set to revolutionize the way residents and businesses in the region access the internet. With speeds of up to 1 Gbps, customers can enjoy lightning-fast downloads and uploads, seamless video streaming, and lag-free online gaming.

FPUAnet's new fiber area is a game-changer for the region's economy as well. With faster internet speeds, businesses can take advantage of cloud computing, remote working, and other digital tools to boost productivity and efficiency. And with more reliable internet connections, businesses can avoid costly downtime and lost revenue.

The launch of the new fiber area is just the latest step in FPUAnet's commitment to delivering high-quality internet services to its customers. As a leading local provider of internet services, FPUAnet has a proven track record of innovation and excellence, with a network that spans the region and provides reliable and affordable internet access to thousands of customers.

In conclusion, FPUAnet Communications‘ new fiber area is a significant development for the region's internet infrastructure. With faster speeds, greater reliability, and increased security, fiber optic technology is set to revolutionize the way residents and businesses access the internet. And with FPUAnet's commitment to innovation and excellence, customers can expect to enjoy high-quality internet services for years to come.

To learn more about our fiber internet for your business, contact us at (772) 468-1697 or We’re proud to keep Fort Pierce’s homes and businesses connected!

How Fiber Optical Cable is Made

How Fiber Optical Cable is Made

FPUAnet Communications is now offering business-level fiber optic cable service, part of a nationwide rollout that’s bringing the fastest internet service with the broadest bandwidth ever before widely available.

But just what is fiber optic cable, and how is it made? And what makes it so much better than copper cable?

Also commonly called fiber cable, fiber optic cable is a cable line filled with very thin filaments made from silica glass or plastic. The data is then transmitted using light pulses rather than the electrical signals used to move information on copper lines.

Fiber cable moves data much faster than copper lines—easily 20 times faster or more—and can accommodate far more data at once, which means more devices can use bandwidth-hogging applications at once without throttling, buffering, or other slowdowns that could occur during high-traffic times, like your business hours.

A quick history of fiber optic telecommunications
Alexander Graham Bell gets the credit for being one of the earliest experimenters with fiber optic technology, something he explored as he created the telephone in the 1880s. But it was almost a century later before commercial production began.

Credit for the big breakthrough goes to Corning engineers who found a way to make strands of glass that could move data contained within pulses of light that computers could then convert to usable forms for the human beings at each end. And critically, it could do all that without the light pulses leaking from the cable.

That was in the 1970s, at the dawn of the computer age. In fact, fiber optics grew up along with computers and the internet as telecommunications technology advanced at the revolutionary pace that we’re still seeing today.

The 3 Cs of fiber cable

Fiber optic cable is manufactured with three major components. From the inside out, that’s the core, the cladding, and the coating.

The core is the key to fiber optic’s ability to transmit data at very high speeds and very long distances without the loss of signal strength that can plague copper wire. It’s the center of the cable that contains the super-clear glass or plastic fiber comprising strands roughly the thickness of a human hair.

Then there’s the cladding. That’s another layer of glass that functions as a reflector to keep the light pulses inside the core as they hurtle to their destination at a pace that can approach the speed of light.

Finally, there’s the coating, a thin rubber layer that shields the fiber from scratches and other damage. (One thing the shield doesn’t have to do is contain electromagnetic signals. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be a major problem with copper cable, a problem that doesn’t exist when simply moving light.)

Creating the fiber itself

Optic fiber glass strands are created in a highly controlled environment and a multistep process that begins with a ceramic rod that attracts the silicon dioxide that then forms into a thick cylinder. Any moisture is removed in a high-temperature furnace and the resulting blanks are then placed vertically in an even hotter furnace for the process called the draw.

The draw is when the melting glass forms into strands used for both the core and cladding. After they cool, the strands are wrapped on spools and then later unspooled—either on-site or in a specialized finishing facility elsewhere—for the application of the rubber coating. They later can be joined together into multiple-strand cabling that can then be run through metal or rubber conduits and, when needed, separated back into individual strands at their final destination.

By building our network with this top-of-the-line tech, we can provide high-speed, high-capacity telecommunications that can easily handle your most demanding applications, including multiple VoIP phone lines, teleconferencing, large video uploads and downloads, and cloud-based, business-critical software—with speed, capacity, reliability, and security that copper lines simply can’t match.

To learn more about our fiber internet for your business, contact us at (772) 468-1697 or We’re proud to keep Fort Pierce’s homes and businesses connected!